Florida Alert: 45-day moratorium on foreclosure and eviction matters

Governor Ron DeSantis has decreed temporary relief for Floridians in regards to mortgage and rent payments. Executive Order 20-94 suspends and tolls any statute providing for any foreclosure cause of action and any residential eviction cause of action for 45 days starting on April 2, 2020.

Translation: no writs of possession or judicial sales until at least May 17, 2020. Based on the broad language of the Order, it's likely that Courts won't entertain motions or requests for final judgments during the same period. If you are currently in foreclosure or eviction litigation, it is in your best interest to talk to your attorney about the implications of Executive Order 20-94 on your case.

One important note: the Order suspends enforcement of foreclosures and residential evictions for 45 days but does not relieve anyone from making mortgage or rent payments.

Therefore, and unless the order is extended or modified, May 17, 2020 will be business as usual for banks, homeowners, landlords and tenants in Florida.

My advice to homeowners and tenants: Don't wait until May 17 to try to negotiate with your bank or landlord.


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